Yemeni Inmates suffering and no one care about that
No sources , no ventilation, food, lack of health services,and electricity, where are the humanity principles and what's the meaning of the humanitarian organization where are the International humanity law , and etc....
My question to the international organization in Yemen where almost of the organizations in Sana'a and other cities but no answer to the humanity requirements for the patients and health facilities .Our establishment "MSEHSR Manar scientific establishment for health studies and reaserches" have conducted assessment for the prison and prisoners and their humanity situation then contacted with the ICRC head office to informed them about the situation and as we did usually as it is one of our humanity activity and cooperation with all Concerned Authorities and organizations every where and for long times, they (ICRC) had send all of that to the submission office and they have been sent me that
answer me that due to tow employers died in the north region of the country and one of their" employer have kidnapped in the capital of the country since last year they can not do any things and promised to help the inmates in the western south region of Yemen" where the injury and patients died every day , when they can help and freely have working in the capital and north region of country and helping the animals and human , so that if you have no mind please answered me if you can :
Where are the basic principles that you are talking about?
Humanity impartiality neutrality independence
And where the concept of relief as suffering.
Does the spread of scabies amid cattle are more important than human life.
The situation and inmates still to this moment.
Dr. Ahmed A. Nouman
ICPA- member
Analysis of the conflict - Expert
Corrections and Prisons - Expert